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CLI Options with Help

You already saw how to add a help text for CLI arguments with the help parameter.

Let's now do the same for CLI options:

import typer_cloup as typer

def main(
    name: str,
    lastname: str = typer.Option("", help="Last name of person to greet."),
    formal: bool = typer.Option(False, help="Say hi formally."),
    Say hi to NAME, optionally with a --lastname.

    If --formal is used, say hi very formally.
    if formal:
        typer.echo(f"Good day Ms. {name} {lastname}.")
        typer.echo(f"Hello {name} {lastname}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

We are replacing the default values we had before with typer.Option().

As we no longer have a default value there, the first parameter to typer.Option() serves the same purpose of defining that default value.

So, if we had:

lastname: str = ""

now we write:

lastname: str = typer.Option("")

And both forms achieve the same: a CLI option with a default value of an empty string ("").

And then we can pass the help keyword parameter:

lastname: str = typer.Option("", help="this option does this and that")

to create the help for that CLI option.

Copy that example from above to a file

Test it:

$ python --help


  Say hi to NAME, optionally with a --lastname.

  If --formal is used, say hi very formally.

  NAME                    [required]

  --lastname TEXT         Last name of person to greet.
  --formal / --no-formal  Say hi formally.  [default: no-formal]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

// Now you have a help text for the --lastname and --formal CLI options 🎉

Hide default from help

You can tell Typer to not show the default value in the help text with show_default=False:

import typer_cloup as typer

def main(fullname: str = typer.Option("Wade Wilson", show_default=False)):
    typer.echo(f"Hello {fullname}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

And it will no longer show the default value in the help text:

$ python

Hello Wade Wilson

// Show the help
$ python --help

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --fullname TEXT
  --help           Show this message and exit.

// Notice there's no [default: Wade Wilson] 🔥

Technical Details

In Click applications the default values are hidden by default. 🙈

In Typer these default values are shown by default. 👀

You can ask questions about Typer. Try:
How can I terminate a program?
How to launch applications?
How to add help to CLI argument?